100% Right Shares of Arun Kabeli Power Limited Now Listed on NEPSE

1,85,52,105 units of right shares of Arun Kabeli Power Limited (AKPL) have been listed in NEPSE.

Earlier, Arun Kabeli Power Limited (AKPL) issued a 1:1 ratio right share i.e. 1,85,52,105 units to its shareholders from 11th Bhadra to 31st Bhadra, 2080. Out of which only 1,65,37,288 units were allotted to the eligible shareholders of the company. The remaining 20,14,817 units of unsubscribed right shares were later sold through an auction from 30th Ashwin to 14th Kartik, 2080.

The same 18,552,105 units of right shares are now listed in NEPSE.

Nabil Investment Banking Limited was the auction manager for the company.

As of writing, AKPL has an LTP of Rs. 171.10.