14.28% Bonus Shares of Asha Laghubitta (ALBSL) Listed in NEPSE

Fri, May 12, 2023 11:52 AM on Latest, Dividend, Bonus & Rights, Share Listed,

4,77,020 unit bonus shares of Asha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (ALBSL) have been listed in NEPSE.

The company convened its 6th AGM on 11th Chaitra and endorsed a 15% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79. The meeting of the board of directors held on Poush 16 decided to distribute the dividend on the paid-up capital of Rs. 33.39 Crores. 14.2857% bonus shares and 0.7143% cash dividend (for tax purposes) were proposed. The same bonus shares are now listed in NEPSE.

As of writing, ALBSL has an LTP of Rs. 670.