19% Promoter Shares of Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Converted into Public Shares

Mon, Aug 12, 2024 5:17 PM on Latest, NEPSE News, Share Listed,

79,49,600 units of promoter shares of Sanima Reliance Life Insurance Limited (SRLI) have been converted into public shares making the promoter-to-public shares ratio of the company 51:49.

Currently, the company has 41,840,000 unit shares listed in NEPSE. Likewise, the shareholding structure consisted of promotors (70%) i.e. 2,92,88,000 units, and the public (30%) i.e. 1,25,52,000 units. Now, it has been converted to 51% Promoter shares i.e. 2,13,38,400 units, and 49% Public shares i.e. 2,05,01,600 units.

As of writing, SRLI has an LTP of Rs. 612.