50% Right Shares of Liberty Energy Company Listed in NEPSE

75,00,000 unit right shares of Liberty Energy Company Limited (LEC) have been listed in NEPSE.

The company issued a 1:0.5 ratio right share i.e. 75,00,000 units to its shareholders from 16th Mangsir to 7th Poush, 2081. Out of which only 66,73,426 units were allotted to the eligible shareholders of the company. The remaining 8,26,574 units of unsubscribed right shares were later sold through an auction from the 2nd Magh to the 9th Magh, 2081.

The same 75,00,000 units of right shares are now listed in NEPSE.

Prabhu Capital Limited was the company's auction manager.

As of writing, LEC has an LTP of Rs. 207.00.