50% Right Shares of Synergy Power Development Listed on NEPSE for Trading

Sun, Dec 10, 2023 11:27 AM on Latest, Share Listed,

40,32,875 units of right shares of Synergy Power Development Limited (SPDL) have been listed in NEPSE.

Earlier, Synergy Power Development Limited (SPDL) had allotted its 1: 0.5 ratio right share issue to its shareholders from 3rd Bhadra to 31st Bhadra, 2080.

Out of 40,32,875 unit right shares, the eligible shareholders of the company applied for a total of 34,69,614 units. The shares were allotted to applicants accordingly.

Subsequently, The hydropower company conducted an auction of 5,63,261 units of unsubscribed right shares from 1st Kartik to 15th Kartik, 2080.

Sanima Capital Limited was the auction manager for the company.

As of writing, SPDL has an LTP of Rs. 172.