9% Annual Return Sounds Good to You? Government of Nepal Issuing "Citizens Saving Bond 2082"

Sun, Feb 7, 2021 10:52 AM on Latest, Bonds & Debentures,

Nepal Rastra Bank is issuing Citizens Saving Bond 2082 (Nagarik Bachatpatra 2082 'Ka') from Magh 27. The issue will close on Falgun 25. This is a government Bond issued by NRB on behalf of the government of Nepal. The Bond will mature on 2082 BS, i.e 5 years from now.

The issue will raise a total of Rs. 2 Arba. Only Nepalese citizens are eligible to apply for the Bond. Citizens of Nepal can apply for a minimum of Rs. 10,000 or the entirety of the issue. Any quantity in between should be divisible by 10,000.

This Bond has an annual interest commitment of 9%. The interest is payable every six months. The issue date is on Falgun 25, meaning interest will be counted from that day. Note that investors can use this Bond as collateral to take loans from banks and financial institutions other than Nepal Rastra Bank itself.
