Bonus Shares of HATHY And CZBIL Now Listed in NEPSE

25,74,000 unit bonus shares of Hathway Investment Nepal Limited (HATHY) have been listed in NEPSE.

The company convened its 16th AGM on 25th Kartik, 2081, and endorsed a 10.526% dividend of FY 2080/81 for shareholders. The 200th board of directors meeting held on Bhadra 27 has proposed a 10.526% dividend for the fiscal year 2080/81. 10% bonus shares and 0.526% cash dividends (including tax) were proposed. The same bonus shares are now listed in NEPSE.

As of writing, HATHY has an LTP of Rs. 1,323.00.

Similarly, 56,80,389 unit bonus shares of Citizens Bank International Limited (CZBIL) have been listed in NEPSE.

The company convened its 18th AGM on 12th Kartik, 2081, and endorsed a 4.21% dividend of FY 2080/81 for shareholders. The 463rd Board of Directors meeting on Ashwin 7 has decided to distribute 4% bonus shares worth Rs. 56.80 Crores and a 0.21% cash dividend (including tax) worth Rs. 2.98 Crores was proposed. The same bonus shares are now listed in NEPSE.

As of writing, CZBIL has an LTP of Rs. 220.00.