Civil Laghubitta Changes Its Name While 11% Bonus Shares Gets Listed; What's the New Ticker Symbol?

Civil Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. (CLBSL) has changed its name and ticker symbol. The update will be effective from the upcoming trading session.

Civil Laghubitta will now operate under the name Himalayan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited. Thus, the ticker symbol of the company has also changed to HLBSL. Meanwhile, the ticker symbol for the company's promoter shares has changed to HLBSLP. As of now, the ticker symbol of the company was CLBSL.

While writing this article, the company has an LTP of Rs. 819 per share.

Note that the 3,16,936.8858 unit bonus shares of Himalayan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (HLBSL) have also been listed in NEPSE.

The AGM of the company endorsed an 11.58% dividend for the fiscal year 2078/79. 11% bonus shares Rs. 3.16 crores and 0.58% cash dividend (for tax purposes) Rs. 16.68 lakhs were proposed from the paid-up capital of Rs. 28.81 Crores.