Commercial Banks Reduce Interest Rates for Shrawan; Himalayan Bank Leads with Significant Cuts

Mon, Jul 15, 2024 10:32 AM on Interest Rates, National, Latest,

Commercial banks have announced new interest rates for the month of Shrawan, showing a slight decrease compared to the rates in Ashad. Of the 20 banks that released new rates, 14 have reduced their interest rates, while four have kept them unchanged. The banks maintaining their previous rates include Laxmi Sunrise Bank, Nabil Bank, Nepal Investment Mega Bank, and Nepal SBI Bank.

Himalayan Bank stands out with the most significant rate reduction, decreasing both individual and institutional fixed deposit rates by 0.75 percent and 0.50 percent, respectively.

Conversely, two banks—Agriculture Development Bank and Everest Bank—have increased their interest rates for Shrawan. Agriculture Development Bank has made the most notable increases, raising individual fixed deposit rates by 0.63 percent while keeping institutional fixed deposit rates unchanged. They now offer a maximum of 6.2985 percent on individual fixed deposits and 4.01 percent on institutional fixed deposits.