Confused regarding which stock to invest in? Filter stocks based on key metrics using "Stock Screener" feature of SS Pro
Sun, Sep 23, 2018 3:07 PM on SS Pro, Stock Market,

-Amar Nath Shrestha
Stock Screener is a tool that investors can use to filter the stocks based on user defined metrics. It allows investors to choose stocks that fits a particular profile or set of criteria. There are five sub-section in Stock Screener feature of SS Pro.
- Top traded companies’ screener
- Fundamental screener
- Fundamental valuation ratios
- BFI’s Ratio Analysis
- Insurance Ratio Analysis
Top Traded companies’ screener
It means, screening the companies traded in the NEPSE according to Turnover, Volume, No. of transaction and price change. We can also screen the companies according to the sector. To screen the traded companies, we pick a beginning and end date, and sort out all companies traded with respect to turnover, sector, volume, no. of trades and overall price change.
Let us take a duration of a week (September 09 – September 13) to screen the top traded stocks. From the chart below of top 25 traded companies, we can see that NIC Asia Bank (NIC) tops other companies as per turnovers with total turnover of Nrs. 17.45 crore followed by NMB Bank (NMB) with Nrs. 13.65 crore. The lowest Turnover was of Everest Bank (EBL) among these 25 companies with total turnover of Nrs. 2.43 crore.
Similarly, we can view this as per the volume, no. of transaction and price changes.
Figure 1: Top 25 traded companies as per Turnovers
Also, we can view the detailed information like initial price, closing price, change in price, high, low, etc. about the companies as shown below. Below shown is only top 10 companies. For more companies, we can click on dropdown menu and view more companies in one sheet.
Figure 2: Detailed information
Fundamental Screener
This screener lists out all the companies along with the chosen metric. We can also list out the companies by comparing the growth of the metrics in the particular period with respect to the same period in the previous year. There are two categories for fundamental screener i.e. Compare metrics and Compare yearly growth of metric. We can choose more than one metric to compare in fundamental screener.
Let us choose Paid up capital and Net Profit/loss of commercial bank and duration of 4h quarter 2074/75 to compare.
Here, it displays the Last Traded Price, Industry average of the chosen metrics and remarks. The industry average for commercial banks in terms of paid-up capital and net profit/loss is Nrs. 8.29 arba and Nrs. 1.80 arba. This shows which companies lies above or below their industry average.
Figure 3: Fundamental Screener
Fundamental Valuation Ratios
This screener lists out all the companies along with the chosen metric values. We can choose a sector, duration and metrics to list out the companies based on the chosen fundamental metrics. It consists of three metrics namely Core Growth Rate (%), PEG Ratio (times) and Graham Number (PBVPE- times). We can select any sector and can compare these metrics. In case of Hotel sector and Hydropower sector, there is one additional metric namely Price to Sales Ratio.
Let us choose Hotel sector and Core Growth Rate (%) and Price to Sales Ratio metrics. The Industry average of core growth rate and price to sales ratio for hotel sector is 27.59 % and 6.22 times respectively. If the metric values of the individual companies are greater than the industry average, they are indicated as above industry average else they are below industry average.
Figure 4: Fundamental Valuation Screener
BFI’s Ratio Analysis
This screener lists out all the companies along with the chosen metric values. We can choose a sector, duration and metrics to list out the companies based on the chosen fundamental metrics. This feature is limited to only Commercial Banks, Development Banks and Finance Companies.
Let us take 4th quarter 2074/75 of Commercial bank. Below shown is the BFI’s Ratio Analysis and chosen metrics. This section allows us to screen the ratios which are not provided by the BFI’s themselves on their report. This section also allows us to know where i.e. below or above the industry average the companies lies. We can screen the improvement in these ratios.
Figure 5:BFI's Ratio Analysis
Insurance Ratio Analysis
Similar to BFI’s Ratio Analysis, this screener also lists out all the companies along with the chosen metric values. We can choose a sector, duration and metrics to list out the companies based on the chosen fundamental metrics. This feature is for the Insurance sector.
Chosen is the 4th quarter 2074/75 of Life Insurance. This section also allows us to compare the metrics which are not provided/reported by the Insurance companies. These metrics are screened according to the industry averages.
Figure 6: Insurance Ratio Analysis
The fundamental part of stock screener allows the investors to invest in the sound companies fundamentally.
About SS Pro
SS Pro is a powerful software developed by ShareSansar to help Nepali stock market investors make informed investment decisions. It is available with a yearly membership. The major features of SS Pro are:
- Has Nepal’s 1st Market Confidence Meter
- Free built-in Portfolio Tracker
- Nepal’s 1st Investment Worth Calculator
- Powerful Broker Analytics & Buy/Sell/Holdings info
- Live Charts with Powerful Charting Software, and many more.
SS Pro is a web-based software that can be accessed from any desktop, laptop or smartphone. There is no need to install any extra software package.
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Figure 7: Screenshot of SS Pro Dashboard showing Market Confidence Meter