Dhitopatra Brokers Association (DBAN) Congratulates Newly Appointed Finance Minister Honorable Bishnu Paudel

Tue, Jul 16, 2024 5:00 PM on Stock Market, National, Featured,

In a cordial meeting held at Singadurbar, the headquarters of the Ministry, Mr. Sagar Dhakal, President of the Dhitopatra Brokers Association Nepal (DBAN), extended congratulations and best wishes to the newly appointed Finance Minister, Honorable Bishnu Prasad Paudel. The meeting was attended by officials from the association, who expressed optimism towards Minister Paudel's leadership in advancing and reforming the capital market for sustainable development.

President Dhakal highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts between the finance sector and market stakeholders in fostering economic growth and stability. He praised Minister Paudel for his positive stance on the capital market and affirmed his confidence in the minister's ability to actively contribute to its enhancement.

In response, Minister Paudel acknowledged the association's goodwill and assured them of his commitment to promoting a conducive environment for the market's development and longevity. He emphasized his proactive approach towards ensuring a thriving capital market, essential for bolstering economic resilience and sustainable progress.

The interaction concluded on a positive note with mutual aspirations for a prosperous and stable financial landscape under Minister Paudel's stewardship.