Difficult in comparing the financials of the companies? Check "Fundamentals" feature of SS Pro.
Tue, Sep 25, 2018 5:31 PM on SS Pro, Stock Market, Latest,

-Amar Nath Shrestha
This feature of SS Pro is basically for the fundamental analysis of the company. The sub-sections under Fundamentals are described below.
Financial Statements
In this section of Fundamentals, we choose a company to view the company’s financial statements of the last 5 quarters. When clicked on a particular metrics displayed, we can see its growth on a chart.
In details, we can view Balance sheet, profit & loss account, Key metrics, ratio analysis and key ratios of the last 5 quarterly reports and compare them. Let us choose Siddhartha Bank (SBL).
Figure 1: Comparative Financial Statement of chosen company
When we click on one of the metrics under particulars, we can see the growth of that metric in chart. Let us click ‘Net Profit/Loss’ metric on Profit & Loss section. The chart is displayed as shown below. The chart displays Net Profit/loss of previous 5-years fourth quarter reports. It also displays the four quarter of the previous fiscal year i.e. FY 2074/75. Among all these Net Profit/Loss, the recent 4th quarter of FY 2074/75 of SBL has the highest Net Profit.
Since the data are in digitized form, it allows the users to copy the values and paste it on Excel for the further analysis according to the desire of user.
Figure 2: Growth chart of SBL’s Net Profit/Loss
Comparative Financials
This section allows the users to select multiple companies of the same sector and then compare regarding how they fare against each other based on their financial statements and key fundamental metrics. For the effective analysis, industry average values have also been given.
For example, let us choose 4th quarter 2074/75 of Commercial bank. Also, let us choose three companies I.e. NMB Bank Limited (NMB), Sanima Bank Limited (SANIMA) and Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIB).
Figure 3: Comparative financials of the chosen stocks
From the above screenshot of comparative financials taken from SS Pro, we can compare the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account, Key Metrics, Ratio Analysis and Key Ratios between the chosen companies. We can also compare the individual items with their Industry Average.
Chart Analysis
For this section, let us choose the same 3 companies; NMB, SANIMA and NIB. Let us choose Paid-up capital to compare these 3 companies in a chart. According to the chart shown below, NIB leads in terms of paid-up capital in the last 5-years. NMB Bank Led SANIMA Bank till 4th quarter 2073/74. SANIMA has more Paid-up Capital than NMB till date.
Also, we can choose other metrics for the chart comparison between the companies.
Figure 4: Chart Comparison
About SS Pro
SS Pro is a powerful software developed by ShareSansar to help Nepali stock market investors make informed investment decisions. It is available with a yearly membership. The major features of SS Pro are:
- Has Nepal’s 1st Market Confidence Meter
- Free built-in Portfolio Tracker
- Nepal’s 1st Investment Worth Calculator
- Powerful Broker Analytics & Buy/Sell/Holdings info
- Live Charts with Powerful Charting Software, and many more.
SS Pro is a web-based software that can be accessed from any desktop, laptop or smartphone. There is no need to install any extra software package.
For more information, please visit: https://www.sharesansar.com/sspro
Figure 5: SS Pro Dashboard