Due to Final Merger Procedure, Share Trading of Kumari Bank & Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Shall be Halted for 15 Days from Poush 17
Thu, Dec 29, 2022 10:15 AM on Latest, Stock Market, Merger/Acquistion,

According to the decision of the meeting held on Poush 13, the share trading of "Kumari Bank Limited" will be halted to for 15 days from the date of commencement of integrated financial transactions.
In the respective extraordinary general meetings conducted on Mangsir 28 of Kumari Bank Limited and Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited, the companies passed a special resolution proposing the merger of Kumari Bank Limited and Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.
In accordance with the letter from Nepal Rastra Bank and the Office of the Registrar of Companies, the merger has also gained final permission.
"Kumari Bank Limited" has been chosen as the new name, and integrated transactions will start taking place on Poush 17 (January 1st, 2023).
As per the guidelines for amalgamation and acquisition of companies that have registered securities issued by the Securities Board (SEBON), the share trading of the company shall be suspended for 15 (fifteen) days from the date of commencement of the integrated financial transactions of both institutions for the purpose of matching the shares of the target institution, re-registration of securities, dematerialization and listing of securities.