Glocal Teen Hero Nepal 2024 Awarded to Rukum's Ghanashyam Bishwakarma

Mon, Sep 2, 2024 11:04 AM on Latest, Corporate,

Ghanashyam Bishwakarma, a 19-year-old activist from Rukum, has been honored with the "Golchha Group presents Glocal Teen Hero Nepal 2024" title at a ceremony held at The Soaltee Kathmandu.

This recognition, organized by Glocal Private Limited, celebrates exceptional teenagers who excel beyond academics and drive positive change. Ghanashyam, selected from six finalists, has over eight years of experience advocating for children's rights, mental health, climate justice, and against child marriage.

He leads the National Adolescents Boys Network Nepal, conducts workshops on child sexual exploitation, and coordinates disaster relief efforts. He also represents Nepal at international forums and uses creative projects like songwriting to support his activism.

The finalists were chosen based on their achievements and impact, and Ghanashyam’s dedication to child rights and environmental sustainability was highlighted. The event saw partnerships with numerous organizations and reflects the transformative journey of the Glocal Teen Hero initiative in fostering young leaders.