"Himalayan 80-20" Mutual Fund Scheme Listed on NEPSE
Wed, Dec 13, 2023 12:44 PM on Latest, Mutual Fund, Share Listed,

Today, an agreement between representative of the Himalayan Capital Limited and the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) was penned for a listing of "Himalayan 80-20".
Following the agreement, 10,00,00,000 units are being listed at a par value of Rs. 10 per unit. The issue was opened from 32nd Shrawan to 15th Bhadra, 2080 to the general public and later for the institutions.
The trading of the shares is expected to begin on Thursday.
"Himalayan 80-20" is a closed-end fund that will be traded in NEPSE. It has a maturity period of 10 years.