Himalayan Hydropower Limited proposes IPO worth Rs.22.50 Crore; issue added to SEBON pipeline
Fri, Nov 22, 2019 1:16 PM on External Media, IPO/FPO News, Latest,
Securities Exchange Board of Nepal (SEBON) has added IPO issue of Himalayan Hydropower Limited under preliminary review in the latest list of IPO pipeline status published.
The hydropower company is proposing to come out with an IPO of 2,250,000 equity shares with a face value of NPR 100 each, at par to raise capital worth Rs.22.50 Crore. Janata Capital Limited has been appointed as the issue manager.
ICRA Nepal Limited has assigned a [ICRANP] IPO Grade 4 to the Rs.22.50 Crore Initial Public Offer of Himalayan Hydropower Limited.
Incorporated in December 2004 as a private limited company, Himalayan Hydropower Limited (HHL) was converted into a public limited company in May 2017 to facilitate public participation. The company’s paid-up capital was ~NPR 664 million as of June 2019. The major promoters include Mr. Khom Bahadur K.C. (~20%), Mr. Min Bahadur Khadka Chhetri (~6%) and Mr. Sudhir Yadav (5%), among others. The promoter holding after the proposed IPO issue is expected to dilute to 75%, assuming full subscription. The shares of the company are proposed to be listed in the stock exchange post the proposed IPO. The proceeds from the proposed equity would be utilized towards development of the 11.88MW Namarjun Madi hydroelectric project.