IME Appoints Prabhu Capital As Issue Manager To Float Shares In IPO; Leading Remittance Company To Float 10 lakh unit shares To General Public

Wed, Apr 26, 2023 9:38 AM on Featured, Corporate,

IME Ltd has appointed Prabhu Capital as issue manager for the issuance of its 10 lakh unit shares to the general public through an IPO process.

The agreement was signed between CEO of IME Mr. Khilendra Paudel and CEO of the merchant bank Mr.        Asis Gauchan amid a program on Baisakh 12, 2080.

IME is one of the leading remittance companies in the nation with its legacy dating back to more than 22 years and is floating 10 lakh unit shares to the general public following the suit of other companies in IME Group, as per the media statement.