India's Carbon Capture Ambitions Echo China's Past Missteps, Prompting Calls for Proven Renewable Alternatives

Thu, Feb 8, 2024 2:07 PM on Latest, International,

India's ambitious plan to capture 70% of power-sector emissions through carbon capture and storage (CCS) echoes China's rhetoric from 15 years ago, signaling a potential pitfall. Despite decades of global promotion, CCS has seen limited success, and India faces challenges with inadequate underground reservoirs and the absence of a credible carbon pricing policy.

Critics argue that, similar to China's trajectory, India should prioritize proven alternatives like hydropower and solar, utilizing its abundant resources instead of relying on unproven CCS technology. The imperative for both nations lies in adopting realistic strategies, emphasizing policies supporting zero-carbon alternatives to address the escalating energy demand and ensure a sustainable power sector.

The parallels between India and China's energy challenges underscore the importance of learning from past experiences. Both countries grapple with rising energy consumption, and while India's plan for CCS mirrors China's historical approach, experts advocate for a shift towards proven technologies. Prioritizing hydropower, solar, and other established alternatives over CCS can offer a more sustainable solution to their energy needs. By doing so, both nations can mitigate environmental impact, address energy demands more effectively, and contribute to a global transition towards cleaner energy sources.