Inland Revenue Department Falls Short of Revenue Target by 23%, Rs. 3 Arba Lower Than Previous Year

Mon, Jul 17, 2023 11:53 AM on Economy, National, Featured,

The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) collected revenue amounting to Rs. 4 Kharba 80 Arba, which is 23 percent less than the target of Rs. 6 Kharba 26 Arba for the last fiscal year. Comparatively, this is Rs. 3 Arba less than the revenue collected in the previous year (2078/79).

During the previous fiscal year, the department collected revenue totaling Rs. 4 Kharba 83 Arba. However, this year, it fell short by Rs. 3 Arba, as the government had set a target of 29 percent higher revenue compared to the previous year.

Even in the month of Ashad, the department's revenue fell short of the previous year's collection. Last Ashad, the revenue stood at Rs. 73 Arba, while this year, it reached only Rs. 72 Arba.

By the end of Jestha, the department collected Rs. 4 Kharba 8 Arba, which was only Rs. 2 Arba less than the previous fiscal year, despite being significantly below the target.

The department's overall revenue target was affected due to lower revenue from banks, financial institutions, alcohol, and automobile dealers compared to the previous year.

Since Shrawan, the department has struggled to meet revenue targets. In Shrawan, it collected Rs. 40 Arba against the target of Rs. 43.70 Arba. Similarly, it collected Rs. 28.11 Arba in Bhadra, falling short of the target of Rs. 31.71 Arba. In Asoj, the collection was Rs. 27.93 Arba against the target of Rs. 29.62 Arba.

The department had collected only Rs. 29.5 Arba, while the target of collecting Rs. 35.92 Arba rupees in revenue was set in Kartik.

In Mangsir, it collected only Rs. 25.74 Arba against the target of collecting Rs. 33.22 Arba.

In Poush, the collection was only Rs. 71.31 Arba, falling significantly short of the target of Rs. 1 Kharba 6 Arba.

In Magh, the department collected Rs. 31.5 Arba, lower than the target of Rs. 39.43 Arba. Last year, the collection for Magh was Rs. 31.26 Arba. Similarly, in Falgun, the department collected Rs. 28.98 Arba against the target of Rs. 33.11 Arba, and last year's collection was Rs. 28.48 Arba.

In Chaitra, despite a target of Rs. 83.75 Arba, the department collected only Rs. 55.2 Arba. For Baisakh, the target was set at Rs. 51.76 Arba, but the collection amounted to only Rs. 34.46 Arba.

Lastly, in Jestha, the department collected Rs. 36.99 Arba, falling short of the target of Rs. 53.10 Arba.

These figures indicate that the Inland Revenue Department collected 77 percent of the target revenue, resulting in a shortfall of Rs. 3 Arba compared to the previous year's collection.