Investigative Committee Launches Inquiry into Ncell's Share Sale

Mon, Dec 11, 2023 12:36 PM on National, Featured,

The investigative committee established to look into the matter concerning the sale of Ncell shares formally commenced its inquiry on Sunday. Tankamani Sharma, the coordinator of the five-member committee, had disclosed that they had begun the investigation in line with the government's directive to conclude the probe within a specified timeframe and deliver a report with recommendations.

Coordinator Sharma had outlined that the committee engaged in discussions with relevant regulatory bodies, government officials, and service provider companies during the investigation. Throughout the process, they collected necessary documentation and information from concerned individuals and organizations, while also seeking input and recommendations from experts, stakeholder organizations, and individuals.

An appeal was made to all involved parties to assist the committee in its investigation by providing factual information and any evidence about the issue. The investigative body had its secretariat at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and was mandated to present its findings within 30 days of its establishment.

It's worth noting that the government formed the investigative panel on December 7 to analyze and investigate matters relating to Ncell's share and acquisition, its adherence to existing laws, and its impact on revenue collection and foreign investment in Nepal, among other aspects.