Issuance of "10.25% Kumari Bank Debenture 2086" to open from Poush 14; Can apply from 25 units to 12 lakh units

Sun, Dec 22, 2019 12:44 PM on Bonds & Debentures, Latest, Stock Market,

Kumari Bank Limited (KBL) will be issuing 30 lakh unit debentures from Poush 14, 2076 to Poush 17, 2076. In case of under-subscription, the issue will be extended till Magh 14, 2076.

"10.25% Kumari Bank Debenture 2086" will be issuing debentures worth Rs 3 arba at Rs 1000 per unit. From the total 30 lakh units, 12 lakh units has been separated for the General public while 18 lakh units have been separated for private placement.

Interest individuals can apply for a minimum of 25 units or a maximum of 12 lakh units.

Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Ltd. has been appointed as the issue manager.

ICRA Nepal has assigned an issuer rating of [ICRANP-IR] BBB+ (pronounced ICRA NP issuer rating triple B plus) to Kumari Bank Limited (KBL). The rating is considered to have a moderate degree of safety, regarding the timely servicing of financial obligations with the rated entity carrying moderate credit risk. It has also assigned [ICRANP] LBBB+ (pronounced ICRA NP L triple B plus) to the proposed subordinated debenture program of KBL. Instruments with this rating are considered to have a moderate degree of safety, regarding the timely servicing of financial obligations. Such instruments carry moderate credit risk.
