Janautthan Samudayic Laghubitta to accept bids for 18,503 units ordinary shares from Bhadra 10; bids can be placed till Bhadra 17, 2076
Tue, Aug 20, 2019 1:02 PM on Auction, Dividend, Bonus & Rights, Latest,
Janautthan Samudayic Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (JSLBB) is selling its 18,503 unit shares via auction from Bhadra 10, 2076 to Bhadra 17, 2076.
As per the notice published by the microfinance company, the company will be auctioning 18,503 unit ordinary shares. Siddhartha Capital Limited is appointed as the issue manager for the auction.
Interested bidders can get application form the Siddhartha Capital Limited and from different branches of Siddhartha Bank Limited all over Nepal and also from Janautthan Samudayic Laghubitta, Butwal, Rupandehi, for Rs 100 per form.
The minimum bid amount is set at Rs 100. The entire bid amount should be deposited in A/C no. 00115434868 of Siddhartha Bank Limited, Hattisar, Kathmandu or deposit ‘Good For Payment Cheque’ issued in the name of Siddhartha Capital Limited.
JSLBB had issued 100% right shares to its shareholders at par to raise capital worth Rs.2.88 Crore.