Kumari Bank Limited Provides Rs. 1 Million Insurance Payout to Family Protection Savings Account Holder

Mon, Sep 16, 2024 10:04 AM on Latest, Corporate,

Kumari Bank Limited has disbursed an accident insurance amount of Rs. 1 million to account holders under its Family Protection Savings Account Scheme.

This payment was made following the accidental death of Susma Shrestha from Bharatpur, Chitwan, with her husband, Indra Narayan Shrestha, receiving the Rs. 10 lakh insurance claim. The payment was processed through Kumari Bank's Pokhara Bus Park branch, with Sanima GIC Insurance Ltd. handling the claim.

The Family Protection Savings Account offers insurance coverage of up to Rs. 26 lakh for family members, covering accidents, death, total disability, medical treatment, and fatal diseases.

Kumari Bank has provided these insurance facilities for the past five years, enhancing customer service with its network of 302 branches, 318 ATMs, 50 extension counters, and 57 branchless banking units. The bank promises to continue improving its services to better meet customer needs.