Last Day to Grab 21.053% Dividend of Deprosc Laghubitta (DDBL)

Deprosc Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has called its 20th AGM on 23rd Ashwin, 2078. The meeting will be held in Chitwan Garden Resort, starting at 11 am that day.

Among other agendas, the AGM will endorse the company's 21.053% dividend proposal for the fiscal year 2077/78. The meeting of the board of directors held on Bhadra 17 decided to distribute the dividend worth Rs. 23,34,25,020.01. The dividend is distributed from the paid-up capital of Rs. 1,15,62,48,610.69.

Deprosc Laghubitta had signed an initial agreement to acquire Dhading based Nadep Laghubitta on Poush 15, 2077. However, the disagreement in share ratio and employee structuring has led the companies to ditch the merger agreement. This AGM will endorse all proceedings related to the same.

Ashwin 12 is the book closure date. Thus, shareholders maintained till today day are entitled to the dividend payout and can also attend the AGM. Books will be closed from Ashwin 12 to Ashwin 23.