Last Day to Grab 35% Dividend of Nepal Lube Oil Limited (NLO)

Nepal Lube Oil Limited (NLO) has called its 30th AGM on 18th Ashwin, 2078. The meeting will be held in the company's office in Jhamsikhel, Kathmandu, starting at 11: 30 am that day.

Among other proposals, the AGM will endorse 30% bonus shares and 5% cash dividend for the fiscal year 2077/78. The company had previously distributed a 10% cash dividend for the fiscal year 2076/77.

Ashoj 05 is the book closure date. Shareholders maintained before that book closure date are entitled to the dividend payout and can also attend the AGM. Books will be closed from Ashoj 05 to Ashoj 18.

AGM notice