Listing of Right Shares of Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company

Thu, Sep 7, 2023 3:11 PM on Latest, Share Listed,

1,20,00,000 units right shares of Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited (HDHPC) have been listed in NEPSE.

Earlier, Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited (HDHPC) had allotted its 1: 0.75 ratio right share issue to its shareholders from 22nd Jestha to 25th Ashad, 2080.

Out of 1,20,00,000 unit right shares, the eligible shareholders of the company applied for a total of 1,04,22,789 units. The shares were allotted to applicants accordingly.

Subsequently, The hydropower company had conducted an auction of unsubscribed right shares from 22nd to 29th Shrawan.

Laxmi Capital Market was the auction manager for the company.

As of writing, HDHPC has an LTP of Rs.128.