Mergers and acquisitions among microfinance institutions gain further momentum; already established Deprosc Laghubitta to acquire Nadep Laghubitta to create more synergy
Thu, Dec 31, 2020 4:58 AM on Merger/Acquistion, Latest,

Chitwan based Deprosc Laghubitta has signed an initial agreement to acquire Dhading based Nadep Laghubitta on Poush 15, 2077.
The acquisition was signed between Chairman of Diprosc Laghubitta Mr. Dipak Khanal and chairman in Nadep Laghubitta Mr. Pitambar Prashad Acharya amid a program.
Deprosc Laghubitta with paid-up capital of a little over Rs 1 Arba currently has its presence in 71 districts with 123 branches while Nadep with paid-up value of Rs 40.48 crore has its presence in 46 districts via 78 branches. The acquisition is expected to create a massive synergy in terms of branch network and business growth for Deprosc which indeed is one of the leading microfinance institutions in the nation, as per the media statement.
Update: Trading of NADEP is halted in NEPSE from today, i.e. Poush 16, till the acquisition procedure is completed.