Ministry of Finance in Nepal and British Embassy Kathmandu sign MoU for new programme to transform local infrastructure delivery in Nepal
On 16th [March 2023, Finance [Ministry of Nepal and the British Embassy Kathmandu have signed a [Memorandum of Understanding for new UK-Nepal collaboration through the Local Infrastructure Support Programme (LISP).
The LISP programme is co-designed between the Government of Nepal and British Embassy Kathmandu. Up to 1.7 million Nepali citizens will directly receive more sustainable and inclusive infrastructure services as a result. The UK will provide up to 90 million Pounds (NPR 14.4 Arba) support for this work.
Importantly, the programme will support Government of Nepal to improve the delivery and sustainability of wider investments in local infrastructure, worth over 2 billion Pounds (NPR 320 Arba) over the next six years.
British Ambassador Her Excellency Nicola Pollitt said that 'the UK and Nepal have a long and proud history of collaboration in building, maintaining and reconstructing infrastructure. This has delivered significant results for the people of Nepal over the lasf six decades, for which we and the Government of Nepal are immensely proud. The approach we are taking through this new programme will put local decision making and service delivery at its heaft, and help build more accountable, stronger local government. This new approach will also help Government of Nepal to improve the way infrastructure is delivered; allowing us together to make sure that over f2bn of wider investment in local infrastructure over the next six years will have a more sustainable impact. LISP is an important programme for both the Government of Nepal and the British Embassy Kathmandu, and another great example of our historic partnership.'
In response the Finance Secretary of Nepal Mr. Toyam Raya acknowledged the contribution and continuous Support of the British Government for the social and economic development of Nepalsrnce long. He also highlighted that 'the programme will support forthe local level infrastructure and capacity building of local governments which will enhance the quality of public life in local levels.' He further added that 'Ministry of Finance will stand ready to support the implementation of the programme in close coordination with relevant agencies'.
The LISP programme, co-designed by the Government of Nepal and British Embassy Kathmandu. The UK will provide up to e90 million (NPR 14.4 Arba) support and the Government of Nepal also will provide up to €40 million (NPR 6.4 Arba) co-financing to encourage local governments for sustainable and resilient infrastructure service delivery.