MUSTANG Nostalgia: A Captivating Two-Decade Journey Through Mustang’s Transformation – Exhibition Opens January 07
The Gehendra Dhimal Foundation, in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Kathmandu, presents MUSTANG Nostalgia: A Two-Decade Odyssey, a remarkable photo exhibition showcasing 30 panoramic photographs by renowned lens-based artist Kishor Kayastha. The exhibition captures the beauty and transformation of the Mustang region over the last two decades. This is the first public unveiling of Kayastha’s extensive collection, reflecting his deep connection to Nepal’s landscapes and heritage.
The exhibition will also feature images from the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) projects in Mustang, which have supported the restoration of monasteries, chortens, and other cultural sites. Since its inception, the AFCP has funded 28 heritage restoration projects in Nepal, totaling over $4.54 million. Michael Harker, Chief of Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy, emphasized the exhibition’s role in bringing Mustang’s timeless beauty to a wider audience and promoting cultural preservation.
MUSTANG Nostalgia will be open to the public from January 7 to January 14, 2025, at the Nepal Art Council, Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, from 11 AM to 4 PM daily. Private viewings will be available by invitation in the evenings. This exhibition not only showcases the stunning landscapes of Mustang but also serves as a platform for reflection on the balance between progress and conservation.
For more details, contact: Gehendra Dhimal Foundation