Nabil Equity Fund allotment of 10 crore unit public issue shares today

Nabil Equity Fund had floated its public issue of 10 crore unit worth Rs 1 arba from Ashwin 2, 2073 till Ashwin 6, 2073. As per an official of Nabil Investment Banking Limited, “The allotment of the public issue is going to take place today. The premise of the allotment is Nabil Investment Banking Limited, Narayanchaur, Naxal, Kathmandu.” Nabil Equity Fund is basically a 7 years closed-end mutual fund scheme. The mutual fund scheme will be managed by Nabil Investment Banking Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nabil Bank. The issue manager for the public issue is Nabil Investment Banking Limited. Interested people were required to apply for a minimum of 100 units of share and they can apply for up to 1 crore unit of shares. Of the total units of share floated 15% had set aside for Nabil Bank Limited and Nabil Investment Banking Limited. Of the 15 percent shares, the company has  allocated 14% for Nabil Bank Limited i.e. 1.40 crore unit shares and 1% for the Nabil Investment Banking  Limited i.e. 10 lakhs  unit  shares and remaining 8 crore 50 lakhs units for general public.