National Life Insurance Company Holds 36th Annual General Meeting, Reports Positive Growth and Strategic Initiatives

Sun, Aug 25, 2024 7:46 AM on Latest, AGM/Special AGM, Corporate,

The 36th Annual General Meeting of the company, chaired by Mrs. Prema Singh, highlighted the challenges faced in the fiscal year 2079/080 due to global economic conditions, including rising interest rates and decreased investment.

Despite these challenges, the company reported positive financial indicators, with a 16.66% increase in total insurance premiums and a 15.72% growth in total investment. The company is focusing on long-term deposits and diversification of investments, including the construction of commercial buildings.

A subsidiary, National Capital Limited, has been established, and efforts are underway to further diversify through an Investment Company. The company continues to enhance its digital operations and agent network while maintaining satisfactory insurance performance and adhering to regulatory guidelines.

The meeting approved a 10% cash dividend, and a 4% bonus share dividend, and ensured the company's paid-up capital met regulatory requirements, reaching Rs.5.21 billion. The chairman affirmed the company's commitment to leading in the life insurance sector.