Nepal Rastra Bank introduces NCHL-IPS system to ease the deposit of money

Tue, Jan 23, 2018 7:00 AM on Latest, Featured, Others, Stock Market,
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has published circular issuing directives to ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ class Bank and Financial institutions (BFIs).
  1. Interest rate on the fixed deposit collected through bidding from the Institutions can be increased upto 2 percent but the interest rate so increased cannot be changed upto 3 months.
  2. For making the banking transaction efficient and effective NCHL-IPS system can be used while depositing the money. The following directions are to be followed by the BAFI’s
  3. The cash transaction threshold has to be followed as per the directives.
  4. The directives issued for customer identification is to be followed duly. Also, for a customer involving with transactions exceeding more than Rs 1 lakh, identification documents along with the purpose of such deposit is to be obtained.
  5. Bank should provide vouchers with the other bank’s name, account number, account holders name and depositor’s name.
  6. In case of failure to deposit the amount on a bank or financial institution, such information should be provided to the depositor on the same day itself.
  7. The amount to be charged for using such facility should be provided to the customer beforehand.