NIC Asia Capital distributed 10% cash dividend of “NIC Asia Dynamic Debt Fund (NADDF)”
Fri, Sep 8, 2023 10:49 AM on Latest, Dividend, Bonus & Rights, Mutual Fund,

NIC Asia Capital Limited has distributed 10% cash dividend of "NIC Asia Dynamic Debt Fund (NADDF)" directly to the bank account of its unit holders from 17th Bhadra, 2080.
The fund has announced to distribute 10% return for the last fiscal year 2079/2080. The fund has started to deposit the return in the beneficiary account of the account holders from 17th Bhadra, 2080. The bank request all the unitholders to verify the return in their beneficiary accounts.
In addition, it has said that to those applicants who have applied to participate in the fund's dividend reinvestment plan will soon get return into their beneficiary accounts. If any of the unitholders have queries on the fund basis then they can directly contact at