NIC Asia Capital Distributing Cash Dividend To Unit Holders of Both “NIC Asia Balanced Fund ” And "NIC Asia Growth Fund"
Tue, Nov 21, 2023 10:16 AM on Latest, Dividend, Bonus & Rights, Mutual Fund, Book Closure,

NIC Asia Capital Limited (NICACL) has distributed a 10% cash dividend of "NIC ASIA Balanced Fund" and a 10.50% cash dividend of "NIC Asia Growth Fund" directly to the bank account of its unit holders and has urged them to dematerialize their shares.
The fund had announced to distribute a 10% cash dividend for NICBF and a 10.50% cash dividend for NICGF for the last fiscal year 2079/2080. The fund has started to deposit the amount in the respective bank accounts of the unit holders from 1st Mangsir, 2080.
Both of these funds closed their books on Kartik 22 for the purpose of cash dividends. Also, the merchant bank has urged the unitholders to dematerialize their shares, also, if they haven't updated their bank information in the Demat account, they are requested to do so in order to receive the dividend.
Additionally, if eligible investors had taken a loan against the shares of the company should present a No Objection Letter from their lending institution to receive the dividend.