NMB Bank Sponsored NMB Hybrid Fund L 1 (NMBHF1) Set to Mature on Kartik 08
Fri, Oct 13, 2023 12:48 PM on Latest, Mutual Fund,

NMB Hybrid Fund L 1 (NMBHF1), a closed-end 7-year mutual fund scheme with a total size of Rs. 1 Arba, is poised to mature on the 8th of Kartik, 2080.
Managed by NMB Capital Limited and sponsored by NMB Bank Limited, this fund opened its allotment on the 10th of Kartik, 2073. Notably, the scheme has consistently provided dividends to investors over the past five fiscal years.
After the end of the maturity period, the transaction of the shares of the mutual fund will be suspended and the investors are to receive their share of investment after the mutual fund sells all its investment. At the end of its maturity period, the fund needs to sell all the shares, debentures, and non-listed shares and proportionally distribute the amount to the unit holders.
Note that the unit holders who maintained their units until yesterday (25th Ashwin, 2080), will be eligible to receive their money back once the scheme settles all its holdings. As yesterday marked the scheme's last trading day, these units are no longer tradable from now on.
Additionally, this notice informs unit owners who have not yet dematerialized the units in their names after buying units under the aforementioned scheme to do so as soon as possible. This notice also advises unit holders who have established beneficiary accounts in their names to dematerialize their scheme units by establishing beneficiary accounts at the local offices of NMB Capital Ltd., NMB IME Bank Ltd., or the closest depository member.
The last traded price of the mutual fund was Rs 9.86 as of yesterday.