NMB Capital Limited Unveils NAV Report of it's MF Schemes Until Past Kartik
Fri, Dec 1, 2023 12:48 PM on Latest, Mutual Fund,

The NAV report of "NMB Saral Bachat Fund - E (NMBSBF)" has also been unveiled. This is an open-ended mutual fund and has no maturity period, and the fund manager can add to the size of the mutual fund whenever needed.
The fund size as of Kartik is Rs. 1.50 Arba which was Rs. 1.45 Arba a month ago. The NAV declined to Rs. 8.68 in Kartik compared to Rs. 8.81 in the month before. The fund has invested Rs. 95.00 crore in listed shares, Rs. 3.51 crore in public issues, and Rs. 14 crore in fixed deposits. The fund still has Rs. 11.18 crores in the bank and bond/debentures worth Rs. 5.83 crores.
The fund is at a net loss of Rs. 11.88 crores in Kartik. In the month before that, it was at a loss of Rs. 9.89 crores.
"NMB 50 (NMB50)", another 10-year mutual fund scheme managed by NMB Capital has also published NAV for the month of Kartik. The NAV for the period was reported at Rs. 9.94 has declined as compared to the NAV of the previous month Rs 10.04.
The scheme began with a fund size of Rs. 1.25 Arba including seed capital from the fund sponsors. The scheme has invested Rs. 91.71 Crore in shares of listed companies and Rs. 2.73 Crore in public issues, right shares, and bonus shares. The amount invested in fixed deposit stands at Rs. 11 Crore while the bank balance stands at Rs. 3.57 Crore. The fund has invested 15.25 crores in bonds and debentures.
By the end of Kartik, the scheme had reported a net loss of Rs. 11.30 crores, whereas, In the previous month, the scheme was at a loss of Rs. 10.04 crores.
The NAV report of "NMB Sulav Investment Fund - II (NSIF2)" has also been published. This is a closed-end fund and has a maturity period of 10 years. NMB Sulav Investment Fund - II has a fund size of Rs. 1.2 Arba.
The NAV stands at Rs. 10.27 in Kartik compared to Rs. 10.37 in the month before. The fund has invested Rs. 89.02 crore in listed shares, Rs. 3.17 Crore in public issues, and Rs. 19.10 crore in fixed deposits. The fund has Rs. 8.05 crores in the bank.
The fund is a net loss of Rs. 12.10 crores in Kartik. In the month before that, it was at a loss of Rs. 10.89 crores.