"NMB Sulav Investment Fund - II" Allotted to Applicants; This is the Allotment Structure

Thu, Sep 1, 2022 12:01 PM on Latest, Mutual Fund, IPO/FPO Result News,

The public issue of "NMB Sulav Investment Fund - II" has been allotted to applicants. The issue had opened on Shrawan 26, 2079, and closed on Bhadra 9, 2079, at the end of banking hours.

"NMB Sulav Investment Fund - II" is a closed-end fund, meaning it can be traded in NEPSE. The fund has a maturity period of 10 years.

The fund structure was on a basis where 14% of the total 12 crores units i.e 1,68,00,000 units was allocated to the fund promoter NMB Bank whereas 1% i.e 12 lakh units were allocated to the fund manager NMB Capital. Hence, the remaining 10.2 crore units were allocated for the public issue. Given that each unit has a par value of Rs. 10, the fund is worth Rs. 1.2 Arba.

Since more applications were received for the purchase of units than those issued during the opening period, the size of the scheme has been increased by 12 Crores units to 12.21 Crores as per the provisions of the published prospectus and collective investment fund directory, 2069 section 15(4).

According to the same, 10,37,81,020 units have been allocated to all the applicants who have applied directly and 14% i.e. 1,70,94,000 units to the fund sponsor NMB Bank Limited as seed capital and 1% i.e 12,24,980 Units to the scheme manager NMB Capital Limited totaling 12,21,00,000 units distributed on 2079/05/15.

Official Notice