Personal stories during Covid 19 lockdown; How to make this lockdown full of innovative activities?
Tue, Apr 28, 2020 7:25 AM on Exclusive,
The past one month has seen a drastic change all over the world and Nepal is not the exception.
Initially, I had a hard time coping with the pandemic COVID-19 virus. I felt stressed as I used to watch national and international news on social media. Everything was out of my control and only thing I can do was follow and respect the government’s rule and regulation.
I am a student and new investor in share market as well. I also run a small business with my friends in partnership. My life as a student has changed radically. All things considered, I became more hopeless as the lock down got extended beyond my expectation. Furthermore, I became more concern for the people who work as daily wage earning labours.
Finally, I arrived to making following decisions to boost myself, stay motivated and look after my mental health. Check out some of the things I usually do during the ongoing lock down.
1. Daily Exercise, Meditation and Cooking:
I usually wake up by 6 am in the morning and start my regular exercise with my parents. I mostly play badminton and continue meditation. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation. I also help my mother in preparing food and dish washing.
2. Reading books:
I love reading books as it broadens the horizon and it is the window out in the world. It increases creativity and imagination and lowers stress level.
I also recommend to read books like You can win, Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Secret etc.
3. Photography:
Photography is my passion but I am not a professional photographer. It is a wonderful, safe and natural self-esteem booster. It connects us to our past, they remind places, feelings and stories. I usually make videos and click photos mostly of animals and environment as well. It brings happiness to me.
4. Online Study:
Online programs offer a more affordable option than traditional colleges which are both convenient and flexible.
If you are student, the online course can be productive to keep you busy and learn something new. You can learn your favourite course through and enjoy with other international students and professors.
5. Growing vegetables:
Growing local vegetables can be the productive time to utilize in this lockdown period. The green vegetables not only keep us healthy but also contributes in growing local economy. Moreover, growing more fresh vegetables is one of the important option to reduce monthly food bill and natural stress reliever.
6. Start a blog:
Vlogging is one of the great idea to experiment with your writing skill. Online writing is quite popular these days and can a good source of income.
Nirmal Kumar Sharma, MSc student in Environmental Science, Golden Gate International College
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