Right Shares of Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Allotted to Applicants; Almost 15.77 Lakh Units Right Shares Remained Unclaimed

Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited (HDHPC) has allotted its 1: 0.75 ratio right share issue to its shareholders from 22nd Jestha to 25th Ashad, 2080.

Out of 1,20,00,000 unit right shares, the eligible shareholders of the company applied for a total of 1,04,22,789 units. The shares have been allotted to applicants accordingly. Thus, the remaining 15,77,211 right shares will be auctioned. This is 13.14% of the total shares issued for the shareholders.

Laxmi Capital Markets Limited was appointed as the issue manager.

Himal Dolakha Hydropower Company Limited (HDHPC) was incorporated in December 2004 as a private limited company and later it was converted to a public company in May 2017 to facilitate public participation. The company is operating an 11.88-MW Namarjun Madi HPP in Kaski District, Gandak Province of Nepal. A run-of-the-river (R-o-R) project, it has been developed at a 40% probability of exceedance.

Allotment Notice