RMDC Laghubitta and Sana Kisan Bikas Laghubitta Calls 24th & 21st AGM on Chaitra 10 to Endorse Dividend and Share Swap Ratio for Merger

RMDC Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (RMDC) and Sana Kisan Bikas Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SKBBL) have called their 24th AGM and 21st AGM on 10th Chaitra, 2079 respectively. The meeting of RMDC will be held in Amritbhog Catering, Kaliskasthan whereas the meeting of SKBBL will be held in Agriculture Development Bank's Central Training Centre at Bhaktapur. Both the meetings will start at 11 AM that day.

Among other agendas, the AGMs will pass a resolution regarding evaluating and endorsing the Due Diligence Audit, Memorandum of Understanding and endorse a share swap ratio of 100: 87 for a merger between  Sana Kisan Bikas Laghubitta and RMDC Laghubitta.

Furthermore, RMDC will endorse 26% bonus shares worth Rs 32.26 crores and 1.3684% cash dividend (including tax) worth Rs 1.69 crore on the paid-up capital of Rs. 1.24 Arba for the fiscal year 2078/79. In contrast, SKBBL will endorse 26% bonus shares worth Rs. 40.67 crores and 1.368% cash dividend (for tax purposes) worth slightly over Rs. 2.14 crores on the paid-up capital of Rs. 1.56 Arba. As the companies' capital will increase after the issuance of bonus shares, pass the resolution to amend the Articles of Association accordingly.

The book closure date for RMDC's AGM is on Chaitra 01 whereas the book closure of SKBBL's AGM is on Falgun 28. Therefore, the shareholders maintained before that are entitled to dividend payout and can attend respective AGMs.