Rs. 140.11 cut off rate for Bank of Kathmandu's promoter shares auction; 20 bidders allotted from 31 bids

Fri, Oct 2, 2020 11:23 AM on Latest, Auction,

It is in everyone's knowledge that Bank of Kathmandu's auction of its 3,16,156 units promoter share to the existing promoters, general public, and institutions has already concluded. The auction manager NMB Capital also allotted the shares to deserving bids from the auction.

Bank of Kathmandu Limited (BOKL) had auctioned its 3,16,156 units promoter share to the existing promoters, general public, and institutions from Bhadra 1 2077. The minimum bid rate was set at Rs 140. Similarly, the minimum bid quantity was 1000 units. The auction received 31 total bids, of which 20 are allotted.

According to the auction manager NMB Capital, 140.11 is the cut-off rate. Thus, bidders bidding for that rate or higher will be allotted the shares. Also, the highest bid rate was Rs. 191 for 1,000 units. As of writing, BOKL's shares have Rs. 282 LTP.

Bank of Kathmandu has proposed a 16% dividend for the fiscal year 2076/77 of which 13% bonus shares and 3% cash dividend are proposed.