Russia Preparing to Approve World's First Vaccine Against Coronavirus
Tue, Aug 11, 2020 4:26 PM on Featured, International,

Russia has claimed of becoming the first country in the world to find a cure for coronavirus, an ongoing global pandemic that has taken 735,000 lives worldwide. Russia is the first country to grant regulatory approval to a COVID-19 vaccine after less than two months of human testing.
Speaking at a government meeting on state television, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the vaccine, developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Institute, was safe and that it had even been administered to one of his daughters.
Putin's official Facebook page also posted an update recently about the success and efficacy of the vaccine. The post read,
"Once the Soviet satellite paved the way for humanity into space, now the Russian vaccine will pave the way to the future without COVID-19, masks, and social isolation."
More than 100 possible vaccines are being developed around the world to try to stop the COVID-19 pandemic. At least four are in final Phase III human trials, according to WHO data.