Samata Gharelu Laghubitta And NLG Insurance Company Distributed Bonus Shares Directly To Shareholders' DEMAT Account
Mon, Jun 3, 2024 11:19 AM on Latest, Dividend, Bonus & Rights,

Samata Gharelu Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SMATA) has distributed 5.4222% bonus shares directly to the DEMAT accounts of its shareholders. The company has urged its shareholders to dematerialize its shares.
The company convened its 10th AGM on the 29th of Chaitra, 2080, and endorsed a 5.7076% dividend for the fiscal year 2079/80. The 150th meeting of the board of directors held on Mangsir 24 decided to distribute a 5.4222% bonus shares worth Rs. 2.13 crore and a 0.2854% cash dividend worth Rs 11.24 Lakh from the paid-up capital of Rs. 39.41 Crores.
As of writing, SMATA has an LTP of Rs. 889.00.
And, NLG Insurance Company Limited (NLG) has distributed a 5.50% bonus share directly to the DEMAT accounts of its shareholders and has urged them to dematerialize their shares.
The company convened its 18th AGM on 3rd Falgun, 2080, and endorsed a 5.78947% dividend for the fiscal year 2079/80. 5.5% bonus shares worth Rs. 8.02 crores and a 0.28947% cash dividend (tax purposes) worth Rs. 42.24 lakhs were proposed from the paid-up capital of Rs. 1.45 Arba. The same bonus shares are now deposited in Demat accounts.
As of writing, NLG has an LTP of Rs. 756.00.
Also, the companies have urged the shareholders to dematerialize their shares, if they haven't updated their bank information in the Demat account are requested to do so to receive the bonus share.
Note that the bonus shares of all the companies are already listed in NEPSE.