Samata Microfinance IPO allotment concludes; all allottees allotted 10 kitta through lottery; out of 84,950 applicants only 8,817 got 10 kitta each

Samata Microfinance Bittiya Sanstha Ltd. has allotted its 94,800 units IPO shares today at NIBL Capital Markets Ltd, Lazimpat at 9:30 AM. All allottees have been allotted exactly 10 kitta IPO shares. 10 is the least number that can be allotted to the shareholders. Since 500 units (Rs 50,000 at Rs 100 per share) was the maximum amount for application, there were no retail and large investors classified for this IPO. 1,896 shares were set aside for its employees and 4,740 shares were set aside for the 10 mutual fund schemes. Thus, only 88,164 unit shares were for general public. Of the 84,950 applicants from general public, only 8,817 applicants got the shares and they were all allotted 10 kitta each. 32 staffs were allotted a total of 1,890 kitta shares and 7 mutual funds were allotted 4,740 kitta. Of the total 86,237 applicants; 1,248 applications were invalid. The IPO had collected over Rs 1.83 arba and was oversubscribed by 208 times. Individual results can be checked in ShareSansar’s IPO Result section. The microfinance company has raised Rs 94.80 lakh through the offer. After the IPO, the paid up of the microfinance has reached Rs 3.16 crore. Its authorized capital stands at Rs. 5 crore. After the IPO, the promoter-public shareholding structure of the company is 70 % to 30%. Samata Microfinance is located at Simara of Bara district of Nepal. The microfinance company’s objective is to boost agricultural production to generate income and employment among the poor by delivering poor friendly and sustainable micro-finance services. Allotment Module