Sanima Capital Limited Calls AGM on Kartik 26 to Endorse 12% Cash Dividend
Fri, Oct 18, 2024 10:16 AM on Latest, Dividend, Bonus & Rights, AGM/Special AGM,

Sanima Capital Limited has called its 8th AGM on 26th Kartik, 2081. The meeting will be held in the company's head office located at Naxal, Kathmandu, starting at 4 pm that day.
Among other agendas, the AGM will endorse the dividend. The meeting of the board of directors has decided to distribute 12% in cash dividends including tax amount. The cash dividend is worth Rs. 3 crores.
Other agendas include the approval of the financial highlight of FY 2080/81 and the appointment of the auditor for FY 2081/82. There is also an agenda to appoint directors and discuss about directors' meeting allowance.