Sanima General Insurance and General Insurance Company Nepal Commencing Joint Operation From Kartik 07
Wed, Oct 19, 2022 10:46 AM on Latest, Merger/Acquistion,

After a successful merger, Sanima General Insurance Limited (SGI) and General Insurance Company Nepal Limited (GIC) will commence their joint operation from 7th Kartik, 2079. The joint operation will be carried out under the name Sanima GIC Insurance Limited.
The insurance companies received the final approval for the merger from Beema Samiti via a later dated Ashwin 14, 2079.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement had been signed between the two companies on 29th Ashad, 2079. Earlier, both the companies had called their respective SGM to endorse a share swap ratio of 1: 1 for the merger.
Both Sanima General Insurance and General Insurance Company Nepal had paid up capital of Rs. 1 Arba each before the merger respectively.