SEBON's Initiatives for Development and Expansion of Securities Market

Mon, Jul 31, 2023 1:21 PM on Stock Market, Featured,

The Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has unveiled its plan to study and research various aspects to foster the growth and expansion of the securities market in Nepal.

As part of the policy and program for the financial year 2080/81, SEBON aims to implement necessary policy, procedural, and institutional arrangements to develop and expand the securities market. This includes exploring market structure modifications and facilitating the operation of new securities instruments.

In pursuit of market development and expansion, SEBON will conduct in-depth studies and research, seeking expertise on short selling, intra-day trading, auction market, security lending and borrowing, as well as exploring contemporary issues related to securities and commodity exchange markets, including equity derivatives.

Furthermore, SEBON has outlined plans to establish a supervisory information system as a vital component in the development of the securities market.

In the policy and program, SEBON emphasizes the formulation of a literacy framework for the securities market and commodity exchange market. This framework aims to promote high-quality and effective literacy programs related to the securities market and commodity exchange market. The board acknowledges the importance of enhancing market literacy and improving investment practices, and will incorporate the condition of market literacy and its impact on investment practices and market trends within the framework.

With these comprehensive initiatives, SEBON aims to foster a dynamic and thriving securities market in Nepal, promoting transparency, accessibility, and investor confidence in the country's financial landscape.

Securities Board's Initiative to Reduce Share Trading Costs

The Securities Board of Nepal (SEBON) has taken a significant step to address the cost of share trading. In its recently announced policy and program for the current financial year 2080/81, the board has committed to conducting a comprehensive study aimed at reducing the expenses associated with mediation in the securities market.

The board's initiative focuses on enhancing access to capital and increasing transaction volumes by analyzing the fees charged by the securities market and businesses. Through this study, the aim is to identify potential measures to streamline trading costs, benefiting investors and market participants alike.

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