See the current progress in the implementation of online trade system and how to use it

Tue, Oct 30, 2018 2:09 PM on Others, Featured,

NEPSE will soon roll out the online trading system for which it has suspended the online mock trading. From 15th Kartik, NEPSE will enable online trading for brokers for a period of 15 days. Upon the completion of said period, the online trading system will be available for the investors.

Spokesperson from NEPSE said that, to train the investors regarding online trade, the mock trading system was implemented since 2nd Ashoj but active participation of the investors could not be seen. He further adds that investors who have used mock trading will not find any difficulty in using the new system.

Past week, NEPSE had also organized training sessions and orientation for the brokers regarding the new system.

To use the online system, an investor has to open an online account from their respective brokers and get the username and password for their account. After the acceptance of username and password, NEPSE will generate a unique client code which is to be submitted to the broker. To use the system, the bank account and d-mat account should be linked. After the implementation of the system, the users can directly place buy/sell orders. Using online medium, this order will go the broker, NEPSE and CDSC directly.

For the ease of the investors, the broker will set a turnover limit which will enable the investor to buy shares within the limit even if the funds in the linked bank account falls short. To sell the shares, investors must have the said amount of shares in their d-mat account necessarily.

Through the use of online system, investors can place order from anywhere in the world by simply logging into their account using the internet. This will give a boost to investors who want to invest but are not in Nepal due to various reasons.