Time sure does fly! ShareSansar grows Eight Years Old! Happy Anniversary!

Time sure does fly.
Eight years ago, on this day, ShareSansar was just about few people and a small infrastructure. However, we held our hopes high and vision positive in order to serve the financial system in the best way we can. To be honest, our business model was a maze initially. Why wouldn’t it be? Our team at ShareSansar was focused to build a business model for a company. Few days into operation, we realized, it was not simply a business that we needed to create, it was rather a market. It wasn’t simply about uploading news to the existing investors already in the market; it was more about informing the existing investors with valid news and bringing in the potential investors through the flow of news.
Today, eight years down the lane, the nostalgia of the journey that began from a start up to a growing company brings us immense pleasure and gratitude. Eight years would not have been possible without the employees who contributed eight hours (or even more) per day. Eight years would not have been possible without the clients who surfed our news portal every seven days a week. Eight years would not have been possible without our partners and advertising sponsors who believed in our vision and supported our mission.
We started at the time when internet was not so popular in the country and we have reached to the time when internet is immensely popular. There was nothing as disturbing as to see investors visiting each company individually to get information and reports in order to make an investment decision. There was nothing more distressing that seeing investors who invested in IPO visited each issue manager individually to see the results. Few returned home with disappointment and few with joy. We decided why not make it one step easier by providing company reports, information and even IPO results to thousands of investors through online with just one click.
In this journey, we have attained a lot of takeaways and one of the major takeaways has been not to give up. I believe the same lesson can be implied by our investors given the present circumstances of the bullish Nepalese stock market. We totally understand how fearful can the idea of losing money be. Therefore, besides our news portal, we have products and software such as Fundamental and Technical analysis trainings, SS Pro and margin Pro that will always serve our clients in the best interest.
We equally acknowledge the competitive spirit in the market brought by the new online news portal that serves the financial market. Being one of the oldest in the industry, it indeed feels thrilling to see aspiring news portal that share almost the same goal as us. However, as we all are in the same market and in fact, more in number today than we were eight years ago, let the competition remain healthy and in the interest of our clients.
In the upcoming years, ShareSansar assures our clients that we will try our best to disseminate true and valid information and come up with more products and services that will serve the interest of new and existing investors.
Happy 8th Anniversary to all of us!