Trade Figures for Mangsir Show Decrease in Both Imports and Exports, Slight Improvement in Trade Deficit

Sun, Dec 24, 2023 2:36 PM on Economy, Featured,

The month of Mangsir witnessed a decline in both import and export activities, as per data released by the Department Of Customs. The figures for Mangsir indicate a decrease in imports and exports, albeit with a marginal improvement in the trade deficit.

Import data reveals that goods worth 6.43 Kharba rupees were imported until Mangsir, reflecting a 3.39% decline compared to the same period last year when imports totaled 6.64 Kharba rupees.

Similarly, export numbers have also seen a downturn, with exports totaling 63 Arba rupees until Mangsir – a 6.09% decrease compared to the previous year's figure of 67 Arba rupees during the same period.

Despite the decrease in both imports and exports, there has been a slight positive development in the trade deficit. The trade deficit for Mangsir stands at 5.79 Kharba rupees, indicating a 3.03% reduction compared to the 5.97 Kharba rupees recorded during the corresponding period last year.

The decline in imports has impacted the country's revenue, while the reduction in exports has not significantly narrowed the trade gap. The current trade dynamics raise considerations for policymakers regarding strategies to address the economic implications of these trends.